Monday, January 25, 2010

I think we are already to go with our Christian life blog. Let's read the introduction and chapter one and share any thoughts or comments we might have.


  1. The first chapter was very interresting! It made me think about if people see God when they look at me. Would people see only the sin or would they see God's love, mercy, kindness, forgiveness.... If we are made in the likeness of God then it stands to reason that we would possess the qualities of God. Made me think of Gal 5:19-25.

  2. It seems to be a constant challenge to avoid falling into the trap of the "struggle for existence and survival". How easy it is to lose sight of the fact that Jesus wants to live His life through us...and instead, constantly try to live the Christian life on our own.

    Being created in God's image, to me, means that I have the capacity to let Christ live through me. I can be the perfect dwelling place for God's spirit. Too bad sin gets in the way. Like Jerry said Sunday, we never have to sin again. But, we do.

    The author is correct...we need to rediscover Christ.

  3. I really like the paragraph on the top of page 8 in the introduction; "It does not happen all at once.....Profoundly simple and simply profound." God makes it very easy but we make it difficult.

  4. Well, the obvious is that we were created to reflect God's image to those around us. What makes me think is God's purpose for that. I think it has a lot to do with God's purpose of seeing all men having the opportunity to have eternal life. After all, one reason He created us in his image was because he wanted to have an intimate relationship with Him that would bring him pleasure. Oops!

  5. I also like the comment about how "It does not happen all at once" I think I make it difficult when my focus is on what I am doing to try to live a "Christian Life" instead of focusing on building that close relationship with God. For me, it comes down to the matter of keeping my eyes on God and not on myself,...letting Him be in the drivers seat. My human nature struggles with this quite a bit.

  6. I think Paula is right. If we're allowing Christ to live through us, then when people look at us they should see the fruits of the Spirit from Galations 5.

  7. Are you normal? I thought I was pretty normal until I read todays reading.Ouch! On page 18 he wrote,"Normality for a human being is when God can be seen by anything and everything which that person does and says and is." So what does it mean to let God be God in and through you? The song "Empty Me" came to my mind. Like Cindy said let God be in the drivers seat, empty yourself of yourself and let God be in control. I'm sure that is why Jerry keeps suggesting the Bible reading programs....perhaps for our own good and to renew our minds daily so we can "put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness." Eph 4:24

  8. You go girl! Just like the author said, "it doesn't happen all at once." We want a quick fix, say a prayer, read a Bible verse, make a commitment, and all of a sudden we're spiritual.

  9. "Nothing is quite so boring as Christianity without Christ" I agree! It's dead, it's empty. It's going through the motions. So why do I find myself there so often?? Why do I make it so hard when it's really so simple? It's so easy to get caught up in just existing instead of living with purpose. I guess that's "natural"! I'm thinking about God creating me in His image. He must have been so excited about the possibilities! His intention is to dwell in me, to be seen and heard through me, that I would be a physical expression of Him on this earth. That's God's "normal". But because of my fallen condition, I am not what God created and intended me to be. I am alienated from Him. Thankfully, He made a way to put things right! Through His power, His activity in me, I can have righteousness. I can live up to His possibilities for me. It's very simple. The hard part is to not "just exist" as a Christian. By having a personal and intimate relationship with Him, I can find Him, know Him, and let Him live through me. He must be the author of righteousness, the source of HIs own activity, the cause of His own effect. Not me in my power (which equals an empty gas tank), but Christ's power through me. So I guess I am a "Natural" child who can only be "normal" by letting God be God in and through me in my own experience.
