Monday, March 15, 2010

Chapter 8 The Shattered Interlock

This is our reading for the week of March 15, 2010.


  1. Becoming a Christian later in life I spent a long time trying to fill the God sized hole in me with lots of things. After I accepted Christ I thought that all of that would be behind me. There are still times today that I feel that "restless soul whispering that all is not well" with me. The great thing is that now I have the choice to believe the lies of the devil or the truth of Christ Jesus. So to answer the question do I recognize the reason for this from God's view point? God wants us to choose him!

  2. I can remember before becoming a Christian thinking that there must be more to life than what I was experiencing. I tried the same technique, trying to fill the God size hole with lots of things. It never satisfied.
