Monday, April 19, 2010

Chapter 13 - The Perfect Man

This is our chapter for the week of April 19, 2010.


  1. Wow! Yet another profound chapter! It really struck me when the author was talking about Christ and that he could do nothing on his own. He needed the power of God through the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish what he was sent to do. We need the Holy Spirit too! Especially if we are going to be able to accomplish the "
    good works, which God prepared beforehand..." for us to do. I have tried to do "good works" without God and it only lead to frustration and disapointment. When I have truly allowed Christ to work through me with the gifts he has given me, then I have such joy and peace about what I am doing. I know there is more that God is calling me to do and I know that I want to do it with the Holy Spirit and NOT on my own!

  2. So many times I think I have to have everything figured out before I move according to God's leading. Once in a while I just step out in faith and like the author says, God surprises me. Thank you Jesus for using me in spite of myself.

  3. It is striking that Jesus said he could do nothing of himself, only through God indwelling Him through the Spirit. When I think of my "calling" in life, sometimes I forget the little callings of everyday life...serving my family, friends, neighbors or whoever I come in contact with. This really is what Jesus did. Looking for chances to serve or minister to whoever he came into contact with in his everyday life, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
