Monday, April 5, 2010

Chapter 11 - From Ignorance to Righteousness

This is our reading for the week of April 5.


  1. In what ways have I been tempted to think that by giving myself to God I would be missing out on certain freedoms or pleasures? To be honest sometimes I am tempted by past behaviors and sins that I used to do....and even sometimes still do the things that I know I shouldn't. They never bring me pleasure, freedom or joy. Afterwards I am full of regret, sadness, discontentment......far from the pleasure and freedom that I believed I would attain. The closer I am to God and his word the easier it is to not be tricked by the devil's lies of false freedom and pleasure. Practically it means that because I have been born again in Christ I have the ability to be transformed into his likeness. I am no longer ignorant but I know the truth and, with the power of the Holy Spirit, can walk in that truth moment by moment. God is so good!!

  2. When I think about the fact that the God of the universe wants to be "factually" in my life, it is a very humbling thought.

  3. I must remember the principle of divine substitution. Though I am persuaded of my inherent wickedness, I am to be EQUALLY PERSUADED of Christ's inherent righteousness that is transforming me into His likeness. Since I have been adopted into God's family, I have available to me all of Christ's limitless potential for good through the Holy Spirit. Satan wants to harden my heart against this truth so that I won't live in freedom.
