Monday, March 29, 2010

Chaptyer 10 - The Ways of the Flesh

Here is the chapter for the week of March 29, 2010.


  1. Good chapter. Wake up call: "God does not honor men and women and their deeds, books, organizations. He honors His Son." So for every activity in my life, I must assess whether it is Christ in me, working through me or if I am working in my own power. Still working...but is it good works or dead works??

  2. I really liked the question of how you go about assessing the activities in your life.....I was really thinking about this one....often I don't even assess anything...I just do it cuz it needs to be done, I've always done it, I want to please someone. I need to really assess what I am doing and who I am doing it for. If you really take Colossians 3:17 to heart and filter everything you do through! This is one to memorize!

  3. What is interesting to me is that our flesh and/or Satan is so deceitful that we think we are doing God's work, whatever it might be. I love what he says that when we start to be convicted by the Spirit of God that our flesh starts to get "irritable and edgy." The old-self just doesn't want to relinquish any of it's hold it has on us.
