Monday, March 8, 2010

Chapter 7 - What Kind of a Christian?

This is our reading for the week of March 8, 2010.


  1. I like the question about what can you identify as God's purpose and interest in your duties and activities. What is He wanting to accomplish? This is a good question to ask daily to make sure my actions and decisions are made for God's purposes rather than my own. Being of an independent nature, it's easy for me to make decisions and plans before checking in with God. I know that's not what He wants. I need to remember that God is indispensable to me in each area of my life, every day. I don't want to try to be a Christian without Christ! It's good to be dependent on God. He doesn't mind. He gave his all for me!

  2. I agree with Marion. I think you have to look at the alternative of either walking with God and listening to Him or to listening to the voice and the ruler of this world. There is no middle ground, it is one or the other. So for me it becomes a moment by moment decision as to which way I am going to follow.

  3. I agree. The thing is we can't just hope and wish to be led by the spirit and not the flesh. It is a CHOICE. The thing that really spoke to my heart was that if I don't choose God I am choosing the one who comes to steal and destroy. "He who sins is of the devil." 1 John 3:8. OUCH!
