Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chapter 9 - A Question Of Parentage

This is the chapter for the week of March 22, 2010.


  1. I love what the author says on page 41..."The crucified, risen, and living Lord Jesus alone can put the noose around the neck of your flesh and keep your flesh where it belongs, and this He does by His Holy Spirit." The key words for me are "HE DOES", not "I DO". I have been so exaused trying ot do the work of the Holy Spirt in some areas of my life. My mind understands this but putting it into practice is another issue with me. The question at the end of the chapter really helped me this week....What step of faith is God waiting for you to take in dying to your flesh? Some times I just want a "formula" for what I need to do. But it goes much deeper than some "formula"...do this and that will happen. God wants me to take a step of faith and beleive what his word tells me. It requires action! The more actions I take in the right direction the easier it will be to resist the temptations. I need to rely on God every step of the way, not my power but His power. Thank you God for exposing the sinfulness of my flesh and for loving me enough to send your Son so that I may RECIEVE and not achieve righteousness!

  2. It is interesting that we will fight this battle as long as we are in these earthly bodies. It will be nice someday to not have to worry about this issue of sin anymore.
