Monday, April 26, 2010

Chapter 14 - Out of Heaven and Into Us

This is our reading for the week of April 26, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful that Christ laid down his life for me. It is overwhelming to think that the Creator of the universe would make this sacrifice just for me. So many times, I have seen how he has worked in my life. He is faithful, kind, gracious when I am undeserving. I can't imagine what He thinks when he sees me "straining behind my car, pushing it" time and again. I am just thankful that he waits there until I realize my tank is full and I can run on His power. My prayer would be that EVERY DAY I would come to Him to refill my gas tank so I will be ready for his activity through me. Lord, don't let me forget the purpose behind your payment of my debt.
