Monday, February 1, 2010

Are You Normal? chapter 2

This is our reading for February 1-7. Same format, read the chapter and comment on how God impresses you.


  1. I just read chapter 2, Are You Normal. I think I will have to read it several more times to get the full meaning.

  2. Wow. Short chapters usually mean little content...not this book. Very deep. I need to get my head around what it means that God should be seen in "anything and everything I do, say, or am". I wonder how different life would be if that were always the case?

  3. Looks like this chapter is too much for everyone. I think the author is saying that when God created people in His image we had God with us and so our lives, or Adam and Eve's lives reflected God's glory. Because of sin people lost that and didn't get it back until Jesus came to save us. Once you are saved you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you and so consequently other people can see God in you.

    Colossians 1:27 - To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

    The "them" is saved non-Jewish Christians or Gentiles. So,God wants our lives to reflect Him.

  4. I was reading Rick Waren's daily e-mail devotional and he was talking about this very thing. He wrote,"There is only one way to develop the habits of Christlike character: You must practice them”and that takes time! There are no instant habits. Paul urged Timothy, "Practice these things. Devote your life to them so that everyone can see your progress." (1 Timothy 4:15 GW)
    This is so true! When I read this weeks chapter I got discouraged about how little I feel like God can be seen in EVERYTHING I do. But then after much thought I realized that the Christian life is the all about the journey and developing new habits and not being afraid to face the truth about yourself and having the courage to let God change you!

  5. Paula, I agree with you! I feel so discouraged when I think about the many times God cannot be seen in me. Your life is a work in progress, and there is a lot of work to be done!
