Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter 5 - God's Reasonable Demands

This is the reading for the week of February 22 - 28.


  1. I like how the writer puts it right out there! I think there are times in my Christian life that I focus on God's grace for my sins and not as much on God's expectations of me and my behavior. God's commands and expectaions aren't unreasonable, however I know that I have more trouble with some than others. Even though I know that all of God's commands are equally important, I justify my sin by saying to myself, well I haven't killed anyone, one little lie won't matter. The truth is it does matter. If God created us for the purpose of revealing His character then if I lie, cheat, etc....I am saying to the world God is a liar, thief etc..... Ouch!

  2. I love the way the author says this is nothing unusual or weird, it is just reasonable. I am created in the image of God and that image should be seen in my life.

  3. I am just thinking that it is such an honor to be chosen by God to reflect His image. Sometimes I take that too lightly and like Paula said think to myself that "my sin is not as bad as the person who has killed someone" Something to ponder this week as I go about my day to day business. Praying here that His image can be seen in my life.
