Monday, February 15, 2010

Chapter 4 - Instinct for Animals, the Holy Spirit for Man

This is our reading for the week of February 15.


  1. I had never thought about animals the way they were described in this chapter. It always comes down to the same thing; love for God, dependence upon God and obedience to God. It is really quite simple, I yield myself to God and He lives through me.

  2. I know for sure that I am totally dependent on God and that the Holy Spirit is essential for daily life.....but in answer to the question of letting all of God loose in my life.... consistency is the issue. My emotions get the best of me many times. I know that even Jesus struggled with his emotions, however he ALWAYS obeyed God. Some times I find myself just acting on impulse and not even giving the Holy Spirit time to guide me. I know it is a process and it takes time....praise God I am not where I used to be....but somedays it feels like I have such a long way to go. Any one else in my boat?

  3. I am right there with you Paula. I think the Christian walk is always about the process of growth and learning to lean on Him and not on ourselves or anyone else. If it were not,...we would be perfect. I know I sure am not perfect. So thankful for the Holy Spirit and grace.

  4. It certainly is not an automatic thing, that as soon as you get saved and the Holy Spirit indwells you that "God is let loose in you". In my experience it is a momemt by moment, conscious choice to remain totally dependent on the Holy Spirit to control our mind, will and emotions which results in obedience. Sometimes I choose wisely and somethimes "I choose poorly" I am thankful that even then, the indwelling Holy Spirit is there to convict me of my poor choice and all I have to do is agree and go back to the wize choice of total dependence. Isn't it neat that even through the bad choices we can see even more our need of total dependence and maybe grow from it so that in the future we won't be as apt to "choose poorly".

  5. If I'm allowing God to completely govern my behavior, then I should also credit Him with my present circumstances. I should realize that as long as I'm being dependent upon him, and obedient to him, then where I find myself right now must be part of his plan for me...even if I can't always make sense of that. If I realize he's in control, then I'll be more encouraged and more thankful.
