Monday, February 8, 2010

Chapter Three

This week we are reading and commenting on chapter three - The One Indispensability for Our Humanity.


  1. The author really makes the concept simple with the analogy of the car and gas. We would never expect a car to run without gas but we try to live our lives with out Christ all the time. We can't do it without him. We need him! He is as indispensable as air to our lungs! The ending questions are really thought provoking. This week my daily goal is to ask myself what am I telling God with my words, actions, etc.... Ilove you or couldn't care less. Should be an interresting week:)

  2. Let's see...

    Teaching our minds + control of our emotions + directing our will = Governing our behavior.

    That means if we allow God to do those three things, we will automatically experience the correct behavior.

    I think our behavior is always influenced by those same three things...question is, who or what are we allowing to teach us, control our emotions or direct our wills? There are only two choices. If my behavior isn't what God's word says it should be, then it is highly likely the world has crept in and occupied that space that should be filled by God. And we all know who rules the "world" that we live in.

    The temptation here is to avoid jumping right to the obvious fix..."I will change my behavior". That would be like pushing the car with no gas. Pretty soon, we'd be exhausted and wouldn't have gotten very far. Instead, we need to concentrate on reading and reflecting on God's word (teaching our minds), praying for Christ's continual guidance (controlling our emotions) and serving him in whatever capacity is available to us (allowing him to direct our wills). The result will be less focus on our behavior, and more focus on our personal relationship with Christ.

  3. I think that is why so many of us are exausted! Too busy trying to change ourselves and not focusing on Christ! That is me all the way!

  4. So God specifically designed us to be functional only by virtue of his presence within us. But he also designed us to allow us to have the moral capacity to either please or displease him. Why would he do that? Because he wants to enjoy a relationship with us. "The only thing that satisfies love is to be loved. The only thing that satisfies friendship is to be befriended." And love and friendship cannot be forced. I think God is more interested in my love relationship with him than my checklist of behaviors. He says "I AM" I say, "You are! Thank you! And I love you!"

  5. I liked what it said in the last paragraph: "and this is what it means to walk in the Holy Spirit: to take one step at a time..." And I just keep telling myself that even when I feel like I have failed to take a step in the right direction that He is "never less than adequate!"
